miniprints has over 250 MINIME figures that we’ve 3D scanned from real everyday people at local train shows. All figures are available in N, HO, S and O scales
Adam C
Adam C Rides
Alan J
Alfred W
Allen P
Alvin G
Amy P
Andre Van V
Andre Van V2
Andy D
Anthony H
Aric P
Aric P2
Arty Z
Bernard B
Big Mike
Bill A
Bill C
Bill D
Bill H
Bill P
Bill S
Blaine H
Bob E
Bob J
Bob M
Bobby J
Bradd W
Brady McG
Brian & Kathy V
Brian McQ
Bruce B
Bruce M
Bryce W
Caleb G
Cameron L
Casey C
Charles C
Charles G
Chris R
Christopher Z
Christy H
Chuck L
Cydney G-A
Dan B
Dan P
Dan R
Daniel C
Dave H
Dave K
David C
David G
David H
David L
David N
David T
David V
Dean S
Deborah A
Derek B
Destiny D
Dimitri S
Dirt Spot.7
Don F
Don H
Doug A
dr. mini
Duane F
Ed D
Ed K
Ed L
Ed O
Edward S
Eric R
Evan B
Frank A
Fred E
Frisbee Player (and Dog)
Gardiner C
Geoffrey H
George and Susan F
George S-C
George Sellios
Glenn K
Goalie George
Gordon P
Graham C
Greg C
Greg M
Harold P
Hi I’m Ron (of Ron’s Trains n Things)
Holly V
Irv C
Isabella D
James P
James R
Jane McQ
Janet J
Jason J
Jason R
Jayden G
Jean W
Jeff K
Jeff S
Jennifer H
Jerry B
Jerry C
Jerry H
Jim H
Jim H (Again)
Jim L
Jim P
Jimmy A
Joe F
Joe L
Joe P
John A
John A. G
John G
John H
John N
John R
John R
John S
John St
Jon P
Jordan S
Joseph G
Joseph McC
Joshua B
Joshua B2
Joshua J
Joy A
Kailey S
Katie B
Keith K
Ken B
Ken P
Ken S
Ken Smokes
Kevin F
Kirk L
Larry H
Larry R
Leslie E
Lonnie B
Lowell D
Lucy D
Marianne M
Mark J
Mark S
Martin G
Martin K
Martin K2
Martyn J
Mearl E
Michael L
Michael T
Michelle K
Michelle K CMRM
Mike B
Mike M
Mike Mac
Mike O
Morgan L
Myra L
Nathan M
Nic V
Nick H
Norman C
Pat W
Paul B
Paul D
Paul H
Paul R
Paul S
Paul Y
Paula P
Pauline R
Perry B
Peter B
Peter Bray
Radisson McG
Ray A (ATLP)
Ray B
Rayron VR
Rebecca J
Renee H
Richard A
Richard S
Richard V
Rick (the Tree)
Ricky K
Riley T
Robert F
Robert H
Ron M
Ron P
Roy H
Russ B
Russell S
Rusty E1
Rusty E2
Ryan A
Ryan B
Ryan K
Sam M
Sam N
Samuel M
Scott C
Scott G
Scott L
Senior Chief
Skip P
SP Bruce M
Spencer K
Stan A
Stephen M
Steve A
Steve D
Steve N
Terence M
Terrel M
That Train Couple
The Dixons
The Eastmans
the Plumber
The Rutherfords
Theresa G
Thom R
Thomas S
Tom (of Tom’s Trains and Things)
Tom P
Tony C
TradeShow Sparky107107
Trevor M
TSG John
Tyler H
Uncle Dave
Vic S
Vic S2
Vic S3
Vince & Mary S
Walter B
Will G
Will M
William E
Zachary S
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